What I am up to, in a 50-minute nutshell.

I still have quite a difficult time summarizing what exactly my studies are circling around. Most of the time, I just leave things ambiguous and say that I’m studying English and Philosophy. But, if pressed a little further, I’ll say that I’m studying ‘theology.’ Maybe a bit further, and I’ll say ‘anatheism.’ Of course that confuses many people because it sounds like some sort of New Age conglomeration of religion (which it’s not). So I have to explain: ‘Something that takes into account the critiques of atheism and the affirmations of theism.’ Or, ‘something that takes seriously doubt and faith working together.’ Puzzled looks or a polite “Oh interesting” is often the response.

Lo and behold, Richard Kearney, the author of Anatheism did an interview on CBC Ideas this past year and it’s probably the most straightforward explanation of what ‘anatheism’ is. Kearney is pretty good at breaking it down into more manageable bites.

Click here to go to the CBC website to listen to the interview.

Ex-Patriate/Patriot Broodings on Election Night

It’s been nearly eight months since I last posted anything here. My blog has never really been about putting content out there to get more readers. It’s been more of a public journal of mine, reflecting on some of the things I have been learning and thinking about, especially with regards to spirituality and God. But ethics, or my responsibility to the other as one author defines it, invariably bubbles to the surface when thinking about more ethereal issues. More on that in a bit. Continue reading